Tutorial 1 - Your first app

We’re ready to create our first application.

Install the BeeWare tools

First, we need to install Briefcase. Briefcase is a BeeWare tool that can be used to package your application for distribution to end users - but it can also be used to bootstrap a new project. Make sure you’re in the beeware-tutorial directory you created in Tutorial 0, with the beeware-venv virtual environment activated, and run:

(beeware-venv) $ python -m pip install briefcase

One of the BeeWare tools is Briefcase. Briefcase can be used to package your application for distribution to end users - but it can also be used to bootstrap a new project.

Bootstrap a new project

Let’s start our first BeeWare project! We’re going to use the Briefcase new command to create an application called Hello World. Run the following from your command prompt:

(beeware-venv) $ briefcase new

Briefcase will ask us for some details of our new application. For the purposes of this tutorial, use the following:

  • Formal Name - Accept the default value: Hello World.

  • App Name - Accept the default value: helloworld.

  • Bundle - If you own your own domain, enter that domain in reversed order. (For example, if you own the domain “cupcakes.com”, enter com.cupcakes as the bundle). If you don’t own your own domain, accept the default bundle (com.example).

  • Project Name - Accept the default value: Hello World.

  • Description - Accept the default value (or, if you want to be really creative, come up with your own description!)

  • Author - Enter your own name here.

  • Author’s email - Enter your own email address. This will be used in the configuration file, in help text, and anywhere that an email is required when submitting the app to an app store.

  • URL - The URL of the landing page for your application. Again, if you own your own domain, enter a URL at that domain (including the https://). Otherwise, just accept the default URL (https://example.com/helloworld). This URL doesn’t need to actually exist (for now); it will only be used if you publish your application to an app store.

  • License - Accept the default license (BSD). This won’t affect anything about the operation of the tutorial, though - so if you have particularly strong feelings about license choice, feel free to choose another license.

  • GUI framework - Accept the default option, Toga (BeeWare’s own GUI toolkit).

Briefcase will then generate a project skeleton for you to use. If you’ve followed this tutorial so far, and accepted the defaults as described, your file system should look something like:


This skeleton is actually a fully functioning application without adding anything else. The src folder contains all the code for the application, the tests folder contains an initial test suite, and the pyproject.toml file describes how to package the application for distribution. If you open pyproject.toml in an editor, you’ll see the configuration details you just provided to Briefcase.

Now that we have a stub application, we can use Briefcase to run the application.

Run the app in developer mode

Move into the helloworld project directory and tell briefcase to start the project in Developer (or dev) mode:

(beeware-venv) $ cd helloworld
(beeware-venv) $ briefcase dev

[hello-world] Installing requirements...

[helloworld] Starting in dev mode...

This should open a GUI window:

Hello World Tutorial 1 window, on macOS

Press the close button (or select Quit from the application’s menu), and you’re done! Congratulations - you’ve just written a standalone, native application in Python!

Next steps

We now have a working application, running in developer mode. Now we can add some logic of our own to make our application do something a little more interesting. In Tutorial 2, we’ll put a more useful user interface onto our application.